Zoink by Zaptronic

Open call

Zoink by Zaptronic is a platform for photographic inspiration, high quality prints, zines and books. Currently we're looking for art photographers to showcase their work in our journal.

What are we looking for?

We strive to be a broad and open platform for all types of art photography lovers. We're trying to showcase inspirational art photography from unknown contemporary artists to more known artists. Every genre is welcome from landscape to portrait to abstract photography. We believe that everything should be possible in art.

How do I submit work?

If you're interested in showing your work in our inspiring online magazine go to our Instagram feed and send us a direct message. If we feel the work fits the platform, we'll contact you for further info. Please don't send us images through email. If you think your instagram doesn't represent your work or the project you like to showcase, send us a link to the project in the DM.

What happens when my work gets published?

We'll publish your project or work on our website. The copyrights of the pictures wil naturally stay with you. We don't pay photographers for publishing. We publish between 10 / 15 pictures and answers about your work. We'll also use the pictures (or some) for promoting the online publication by posting them on our Instagram feed. Naturally, we'll also always add links to your portfolio and / or instagram if you have it.